Driving to Work in a Chicken Coop
Imagine sitting inside of a chicken coop as it is shoved through the atmosphere at 65 mph – feathers, dust, noise, shuddering and shaking – you get the idea!
Four Teenagers Drive a Saturn to Mexico
That time three friends and I graduated high school and drove my $600 car from Pennsylvania to Mexico and back again.
Vision Oriented and Budget Limited
A budget minded person would tell my wife to suck it up – new appliances are expensive!
Gutter Gardens
Not that I’m opposed to gardening. Why just the other Saturday I was weeding my gutters. It’s hard to argue with your wife about the need to clean the gutters…
Benedict Arnold Appliances, Adopted Chickens, Romantic Dinners
Where were these chickens coming from? Clearly I was being outsmarted by the dumbest fowl on the planet.