VIDEO: Village Hopping In A Floatplane In Papua New Guinea



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5 responses to “VIDEO: Village Hopping In A Floatplane In Papua New Guinea”

  1. Thank you for this!!! What a sight into busy life with a bush plane next to a bush house 🥳👍🏽

    1. The Snader Family

      Someone noticed my photo titles, I see. It’s remarkably hard to title a photo so I’m glad you appreciated the work I put into it.

  2. Thanks, Josh, this is awesome. I can’t wait to show my kids.

    1. The Snader Family

      It was fun to make! But I don’t get to do this everyday, so if they get inspired to be missionaries or something, make sure to tell them there’s also plenty of mundane tasks too, not just flying around in airplanes without doors.

  3. Way to go Josh! We have something in common: I’ve been in similar tippy canoes only in Sierra Leone. Actually, seeing your “bush” really makes me miss the village of Mokanji where I spent almost 3 months. There’s more similarities than you would think. I like your kind of adventures!

    Terri Phillips from FBC

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