Pets Other Than Children Kiwi, The Green Car Alarm A screeching Eclectus parrot teaches me a lesson about contentment.
Pets Other Than Children Common Cockroaches & Exotic Marsupials It can be an unsettling transition to go from sipping coffee to having a marsupial in your hair without any time to get used to the idea.
Pets Other Than Children Taking The Bunny Out For A Casual Sunday Stroll Bunnies prefer walking under pine trees, logs, thorn bushes, and parked cars which are all very hard places to walk.
Holy Matrimony! Bunny Husbandry & Strange Talents A good engineer wouldn't let a little bunny pee on the porch stop him from persisting until he beat a bad design into a poor one.
Pets Other Than Children The Fate Of A Bunny That time we gave our van to a homeless lady and then her dog ended up killing our pet bunny.
Pets Other Than Children We Bought A Bunny I filled the sink with water and gave the bunny a bath. I've also given a chicken a bath and between the two, I'd say a bunny is easier.