Cultural Expectations Dumping Money Into A Slot Machine And Hoping. AirNiugini has many fine qualities as an airline but the thing it does best is lower your expectations.
Pets Other Than Children Kiwi, The Green Car Alarm A screeching Eclectus parrot teaches me a lesson about contentment.
Cultural Expectations I Know What's Wrong With My Faucet, But What's Wrong With My Feet? I have a revelation about feet while walking to the hardware store to look for a new faucet.
Cultural Expectations Speaking Funny Language learning is shifting from memorizing vocabulary to the next step: Embarrassing oneself.
Papua New Guinea My Fate Was To Stand There For An Eternity Wishing I Were Dead. We move to Wewak, Papua New Guinea to start our first term with Samaritan Aviation.
Being Sick Medical Procedures, Feather Pillows, Allergic Reactions, & Wailing! That time when Adi had an allergic reaction, Janice had gallbladder issues, and I got some cysts removed.
What Doesn't Kill You... My Problems Are Fine Everyone always has problems in life no matter what. And if I had to pick problems to have, I'd say mine are fine.
Holy Matrimony! Bunny Husbandry & Strange Talents A good engineer wouldn't let a little bunny pee on the porch stop him from persisting until he beat a bad design into a poor one.
Raising Children Introducing Oliver Quinn Snader Once again I realized that, in theory I know how birth works, but I still have trouble believing it does.
Holy Matrimony! Close, But No Baby Janice recovers from COVID and almost has a baby. I work on a Porter and get some help changing a tire on a King Air.
West Virginia Camping Memories Camping is the quickest way to make memories and it costs less than the more pleasant alternatives like boating or flying or going to Disneyland.
Holy Matrimony! Our Testimonies "You can't go out there this time of year or you'll die," the Russian Mennonites said. "Come live with us for a few years to learn how to live here."
Holy Matrimony! Perspective! You begin to realize that all the little things that looked so big to you are actually just a small part of a much bigger picture.
Holy Matrimony! Quarrelsome Instagram Health Nuts Instagram health nuts are so good at hopping on trend trains that they make traveling hobos jealous.
Holy Matrimony! You Better Know What You're Doing! A realization washes over me that we're never qualified to do what God calls us to do. That's the point, right?
Getting Old Getting Old & Being Mature About It In your thirties you realize you're sitting on top of a sliding board called Time and your children are giving you a shove.
Being Cheap Vision Oriented & Budget Limited Washing laundry is something Janice does a lot, at least that's what I gather from the loud sighs and groans every time she picks up a laundry basket.
Raising Children Gutter Gardens Not that I'm opposed to gardening. Why just the other Saturday I was weeding my gutters.
Thanksgiving Thanksgiving In The Most Redneck County In America It takes a brave man to open a septic and I was questioning my credentials as I plopped a bucket and slowly unscrewed the lid.
Amish Fence Jumper An enterprising individual could bake some whoopie pies and then set them on a table beside the road with a sign "Feed Amish. $5."
Alaska Traveling To Alaska With My Pregnant Wife In A Cheap RV For many months after the trip Janice would shudder, moan, and curl up into the fetal position anytime anyone mentioned Alaska.