New Year, New Website
Just for your information.

The longer we serve here in Papua New Guinea, the more I realize that what I really hate is drama. I resent being pulled into it, like when I want to buy a simple widget at the hardware store but first I have to wait in line to get an invoice and then I have to wait in another line to pay for it, then keep the receipt so I can show it to the guard so he'll let me out of the building. That's after they find a working credit card machine. But that's just one example.
My blog was also causing me drama. Over the last seven years I added too many modules from different companies, each with a different login and fees to track. I wanted to simplify. But I also wanted something that didn't look ugly. Sometimes that's a balancing act, finding something pretty that doesn't cause drama. Most pretty things cause drama, come to think of it. But anyway, I think I found a simpler platform that I like, that is reliable, and that is simple to use. And it doesn't look ugly. I'm happy with it.
Current Email Subscribers
If you are an email subscriber to the Snader Flyby and get notifications when we post something new, then you don't have to do anything. I transferred all the current subscribers over to this new blog and your life should go on drama free. In fact, you're probably reading this post in your inbox. I even accidentally sent you an old blog post from several years ago (when we were in Alaska) as I transferred all the posts over from the old site. Sorry for that confusion. Maybe you didn't even bother clicking on it. Not that I blame you. I have thousands of unopened emails. It's the only thing that Janice finds annoying about me.
Leaving Comments
If you want to leave comments, you have to sign in to the Snader Flyby. This is easy (and hopefully drama free). Simply click on the "Sign In" button at the top right hand corner of the website. You should get a login link sent to your email. Click on that, and you will be redirected back to the Snader Flyby as a logged in member. Now you can leave comments! No password required. Your world probably revolves around the comments on this blog so I'm glad to get that all cleared up.
New Subscribers
Not a subscriber? Simply click on the "Sign Up" button or the "Follow New Posts" button to get any new blog posts sent to your email.
Of course, none of that may work as intended. If it doesn't, email me and let me know. Thank you!
I have been wanting to write but instead I was working on getting this new blog running. Also I was working on airplanes. A lot. They always need work. But that's because they're pretty.
If you don't get email updates, well then, click on the "Follow New Posts" button. Then you'll get an email whenever I write something new.
Happy New Years!